We use state-of-the-art, safe technology to help us get to know your health story even better.

What are our ‘scans’?

We have used non-invasive neurological tests and scans to both obtain a baseline to help gauge a plan for care, and also to reassess our chiropractic care over time, since we began practicing in 2019. They help us to go beyond “How are you feeling today?” and into “How has your nervous system and body been functioning, beyond any surface-level symptoms?”

These three individual tests are quick, they have no harmful side-effects, and most importantly, they are completely safe for pregnancy, for kids, and even for newborn babies. The three primary tests we use are static electromyography (s-EMG), rolling thermography (thermal), and heart rate variability (HRV).

Tests help tell us your story.

CLA Insight

CLA INSiGHT is a non-invasive, computerized set of tests that allows us to get a baseline of how your body is holding up to the stressors you’re experiencing. It helps to measure how both your spine and nervous system is functioning as a unit, how those nerves are communicating with your tissues and organ systems, and how your body is adapting to stress!

These quick scans allow us to obtain real and accurate data about your health. In return, this can help us pinpoint a cause or causes to what you might be experiencing symptomatically.

They’re scientific, gentle, pain-free, and non-invasive for your entire family and kids — even newborn babies!

We like to break it down this way. A body and nervous system is consistently encountering, handling, and adapting to life stressors from three primary categories:

  • traumas (physical stress such as child birth, injuries, or car accidents)

  • toxins (chemical stress such as poor nutrition, environmental exposure, etc.)

  • thoughts (emotional stress such as relationships, mental health, work)

The INSiGHT scans are made up of these three important test results, in addition to gathering as much relevant health history information about you as we can possibly get to help connect the dots in how to best care for you!

  • Your HRV scan measures how your nervous system is holding up to stress. It also calculates the balance of your autonomic nervous system — whether you’re on the gas pedal, or the brake pedal. Additionally, we get a clear read on how your parasympathetic nerves, like your Vagus nerve, are functioning.

  • sEMG helps to measure how nerves are communicating with the spinal muscles that maintain posture. This can also help to give us an overall muscle energy efficiency, which often leads to fatigue and muscle imbalances.

  • Rolling thermography takes many different points of temperature along your spine. We see this as our “deep heat” test, whereas inflammation and nerve interference can cause increases in temperature side-to-side.

Have additional questions about our tech? Reach out here !